
Acquiring citizenship in the US is a complex process that necessitates a complete knowledge of immigration rules and procedures. A green card must be obtained, residency must be established, and a citizenship test must be passed, among other procedures. There’s a wide array of forms and supporting documents that are required in order to ensure that the process is both seamless and successful. Our team of immigration lawyers at Virtual Advocate has the expertise and understanding to help clients through the citizenship process. In addition to offering advice on residency requirements and helping clients prepare for the citizenship test, we offer our clients a proprietary software that helps prepare the forms and systemize something that is otherwise complex. Additionally, our lawyers can help with dual citizenship situations, renunciation of foreign citizenship, and problems with losing citizenship.

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Whether you need help with a complex business litigation or immigration matter, the attorneys at Virtual Advocate are here to help. We pride ourselves off of cases where other firms claimed that the odds were slim, in turn proving them wrong. In many instances, we will hire counsel and build teams around each client to ensure their case has the highest likelihood of success possible. We are available 24/7 for our clients and will even travel to them when appropriate. If you have any questions, concerns, or lingering anxieties revolving around your legal matter, let us know. There’s no reason why you should be in it alone.

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